Lense for N70

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I'm a beginner to SLR camera and just brought a N70 body and need to know what kind of lense will work with it(diameter or size). I need to know .... all the answer about N70 also? Is it a good camera or not? I bid the camera from ebay for my wife. I hope I didn't made a bad choice! Please, help and Thanks.


-- Taman (tlau1227@optonline.net), February 15, 2002


Taman, N70 is a very good camera (as far as i know). However, you might need to spend some time with manual before you're be able to use N70. Good luck.

-- ik piyapant (ik_np@yahoo.com), February 15, 2002.

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