Leica M5 Null series

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Who can tell me about the null series M5s? What's different and how far up do the seriel numbers go on the Nulls? Gandy's web site says 250 but someone recently told me only the first 72. Are there any differences on the inside or the outside? Thanks.

-- Mark (Leica_M5@msn.com), February 14, 2002


According to Ghester Sartorius' book Identifying Leica Cameras (p. 81), the total production of the Leica M5 amounts to 33,900 units, the first 50 of which were the Nullserie model, with serial numbers starting from 1287001. Here's another source that says the same thing: http://www.leicaclub.net/guide/serial_number/Camera% 20Serial%20Number(5).htm.

-- Hoyin Lee (leehoyin@hutchcity.com), February 15, 2002.

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