blah. : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

That's me today. It's partly being unable to speak to my boyfriend (he has no phone) on Valentine's Day, and missing him; it's partly lack of sleep and a really terrible sugared doughnut; it's partly the fact that I have a crapload of work to do that I don't particularly want to do; it's partly a couple small pieces of negative feedback from various superiors. And it's too cold outside and too hot inside. So, blah.

Not quite the mean reds; more like the uneasy pinks that, if left untreated, can lead to the mean reds.

What do you do when you're feeling blah, sulky, and unproductive, and need to feel otherwise quickly?

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002


Not looking for pity, by the way, if that's not clear. Just tired of feeling blah, and looking for anti-blah tips.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Well, you can go to and read some V-Day poetry like all the kids love to do!

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Here is my deepest darkest dorkiest secret thing I do to make myself feel good:

Draw the drapes, put on tight jeans and a teeny tank top, turn up the stereo and become a rock (sometimes hip hop...sometimes folk) star in my living room - cheers me up every damn time. Sometimes I even put on lipstick just so I'm more rocking.

Most important: don't catch a glimpse of yourself in the tv glass, because seeing how you actually look ruins the whole fantasy. And turn up the music really loudly so you can't hear your actual voice.

Key element: pretend that Mtv is there to film you for a rockumentary, and they can't get over how amazing and hip you are.

Having a beer first really helps, of course.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Pamie's Valentine poems are the best. She needs to do a line of greeting cards.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

shopping. there's nothing else quite like it. you don't have so spend a lot of money, just take your time and go home with one great item, be it a new cosmetic product, a BR sweater you got at an amazing discount, or a small box of Godiva truffles.

(btw, BR is having what I believe to be the first REAL sale in their existance. last weekend I got a bagful of merino wool sweaters for $10 each. Get thee to the Banana Republic!)

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Get thee to the Banana Republic!

I just did - online! Good sale, good sale. Nothing makes me feel better than fully lined wool pants for $39! Buy, WG! Buy!

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Oh Pamie.
You came and you gave without taking.
But only on Valentine's Day? Why so cruel?
Oh.Gilmore Girls.
Well, yeah, recaps take a while . . .
Can't you make Taylor write them?
Oh Pamie,
come back and bring Omar with you.
Don't hide.
We only want to love you.
The world is small and sad without you.
And now we have to wait another year?
Fucking Valentine's Day.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Well, that's a sweet poem. (I also write Making the Band recaps)

Thank you.

My valentine's day has become a three-day event, ending with John Waters and Peaches. Los Angeles made her very own Valentine just for me.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Lotsa music. And maybe a good book. And chocolate. Chocolate is always good.

Or you could do what I did and work at the Domestic Violence Unit all day. It leaves you with that special "thank god I'm alone" feeling.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Bubble baths are my favorite thing, especially with the sex scenes from Tom Robbins' Even Cowgirls Get the Blues because I love him. He's awesome.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Amen. Tom Robbins is glorious.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Having a beer first really helps, of course

Rock on, RokkenRobyn

WG maybe try playing with an animal


-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

Okay, let's add losing my cell phone to the list of blah-inducers.

Damn, y'all, it's one thing to have a bad day. It's another to have a bad day and not be able to call your boyfriend and talk about it because he has no phone. And it's yet another to not be able to call anyone because you have no phone. (The land line is in my roommate's name, and on my roommate's dime, only.)

What a shitty, shitty day.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

yeaaah ....I hate those 'blah' days. I'm having a semi-one today. only blaaah cause I'm listening to mope rock with no chocolate and a queasy stomach and no boy.

I'd say Pamie's V-day poetry cheered me up slightly :) it inspires me to want to write some in a special entry today. maybe I will. I need somemore cheerin' - though I'm probably not nearly as talented

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

nevermind on the chocolate - I realised after mom awoke from her slumber that she did get me chocolate! she brought it out and I was all, 'hellll yeaaah' perk! :)

plus I wrote the poetry entry that I was inspired to do. ooh yeaah.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

I'm so glad Pamie wrote valentines day poems. It just wouldn't have been the same without them.

I've had a very blah valentine's day (though, fortunately, VD free). I comforted myself by ordering a calzone-style sub that was just completely loaded with fat and pepperoni, buying a couple tubs of Ben & Jerry's, a couple packs of smokes, and a case of beer. All in all, this valentines day is coming around, seeing as I'm drunk, full, and nic-fit free. Things could be worse, is all I'm saying.

And I strongly recommend the Ben & Jerry's... Those folks are making me very happy with their chocolatey peanut-buttery goodness.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2002

I still say Taylor should write the Gilmore Girls recaps, especially now that CuteDean is just Dean and there's going to be more Jess coming up, and Cal the Making the Band recaps. Make 'em earn their keep.

But thanks, everyone, for not giving my self-pitying ass the smackdown it deserved. I went home, ate, and watched Temptation Island and skating with my roommate. And I talked to my mom, who said all the things I wanted to hear (that bad days happen, etc.). So I no longer feel quite so blah. And today I'm going to go to the gym.

One last thing: if you haven't read Jessamyn's latest entry yet, it's definitely worth it.

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2002

If you're ever in Austin, you could do a lot worse than eating at Satay. I had the best damn meal I've had in a really long time there last night. It was amazing. Coconut lemongrass soup. Pheasant. Sea bass. Dessert wine. Chocolate silk pie, dumplings, more wine.

It was really nice.

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2002

More good shopping vibes: is having what can only be described as a mega-sale. Order before Feb. 24 and get an additional 30 percent off!

Hooray for the Internet!

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2002

I visited the Eddie Bauer outlet on Washington Street in Boston yesterday. I may finally have a decent pair of jeans again. Hooray Eddie Bauer!

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2002

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