It Takes Guts to Say Jesus : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

Here's my latest "According to John" missive, for those of you who follow what I write ...

It Takes Guts to Say Jesus

People are constantly sending me email hoaxes, and I'm sure you have had your share of them also. One of the perennial favorites says that you will get a horrible virus if you open an email with the subject line, "It Takes Guts to Say Jesus." But while the email itself is a hoax, the message is true. It does take guts to say Jesus.

The disciples asked Jesus to "increase their faith." But real faith is not some mystical commodity that you can "get more of" over time. We are not told to wait around until we have "enough faith" to embark on our Christian walk. Real faith is nothing more and nothing less than a heart-felt COMMITTMENT. It is saying, "This is what I believe, and I'm going to trust in it (and in Him) and act on it, no matter what. No compromise!" It is resolve. It can be strengthened through prayer and study, but you either have it or you don't.

Real faith cannot co-exist with hypocrisy, because real faith lives out on the edge. Real faith is a John Paul Jones type of attitude: "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" It's saying, "I believe my cause is just and true, and though I may even lay dying" (as Jones was), "nothing is going to keep me from my goal, not even the fiery torpedoes of the enemy."

Now someone might say, "That's not faith, that's courage." And I'd say that's exactly right! That's why its called having the COURAGE of your convictions. Courage and faith go hand-in-hand! It takes courage to step out in faith and do the right thing, regardless of what anyone else thinks or does. And a lack of faith basically amounts to cowardice. Sadly, too many people, even many so-called Christians, are just too gutless to really believe, and act on those beliefs. Such end up either being hypocrites, pharisees or apostates.

One of the most memorable cinematic moments takes place in the film, "A Few Good Men." A career Marine officer played by Jack Nicholson is being grilled in a court martial hearing by a young prosecutor played by Tom Cruise, who is pressing him on the witness stand to tell the truth. Who can forget that memorable moment when Nicholson barks, "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!"

Two thousand years ago, another prosecutor, Pontius Pilate, also demanded to be told the truth. Jesus revealed to his disciples, "I AM the Truth ... handle Me," and Thomas fell to his knees and declared Him Lord and God. This same offer to handle the truth is open today; the evidence is clear and readily available. I have handled the truth, and have come to the same conclusion: Jesus is Lord and God, no doubt about it.

Can you handle the truth? And having done so, do you have what it takes? Jesus is looking for a Few Good Men. Do you have the courage to set aside everything and follow Him? Do you have the GUTS to say Jesus is Lord - and mean it?

According to John:

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

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