criticisms of Hitch and Baddeley research : LUSENET : History & Theory of Psychology : One Thread

Dear person who is kind enough to reply to me!

I am currently writing an essay for psychology at university but i need to find criticisms of Hitch and Baddeleys (1976) research into working memory where they used dual tasking. If someone out there can help me out with this i would be very very grateful indeed.

(And hey, if you ever need a break from work, come see me, i'll write you out an official note saying you have stress, no questions asked.)



-- Jay Yamamoto (, February 13, 2002


Hi Jay, I think what you are researching here is found under the topic of Human Factors Psychology. I'm not sure what you mean by critism??? But you might begin looking for a Human Factors textbook and then possibly a Human Factors handbook. Another topic area to look under is Industrial/Organizational Psychology. If I remember, there is research in this area under "mental work-load." Good Luck, David

-- david clark (, February 13, 2002.

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