Apparantly the answer to the question below is.... : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

...that they have all publicly floated on the Stock Market.

Wenger has gone on record as saying he would never work for a PLC, Man Utd have floated twice because Edwards bought back the shares then refloated, Wimbledon are held back from floating because of Palace....but the tricky one is Liverpool. They are'nt a PLC but have floated in a different way. What is it though? And can anyone blow any holes in the other stuff?

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002


Or maybe I'm talking bollocks!

Metro Radio are running a competition about it and apparantly the answer is something to do with playing Rugby at these football grounds.

Confirmation anyone?!!

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

The floatation sounds right - can't see how Liverpool can have rugby played 'in a peculiar way'. Cue men playing with their odd shaped balls etc...

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Apparantly Everton are not a plc ?

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

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