Never Have I Ever... : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

So, I'm totally ripping this off from a morning radio show here in Atlanta, but I'm intrigued

What have you never, ever done?

I don't mean dirty things, y'all - I mean, what mundane, everyday thing have you never done? Maybe you've never used a cell phone, or you've never had a sip of coffee - that kind of thing.

Spill it!

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002


I'll start:

I have never, ever smoked pot. Not through four years of high school, not during four years of college, four years of frat parties, not when I've been in a tent in the woods with other people who are smoking, not even at a Widespread show. And really, I couldn't even tell you why. I have nothing against pot, I have no problem with it being legalized, and heaven knows I've certainly had the opportunity to smoke up.

And now, what's the point? Who starts smoking pot when they're 25? I'm a pot lost cause.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I never watch TV in bed. Once when I was a kid I had a new boombox that had a little TV screen, but does that really count? I mean as an adult I DO NOT have a TV in the bedroom, and if I am a "guest" in someone else's bed she is strongly urged to keep the damn thing off. Does anyone else hear that high pitched electron gun squeal from a TV set?? Under no circumstances could I ever fall asleep with that machine running.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

And now, what's the point? Who starts smoking pot when they're 25?

Are you saying that 25 is too old to get high for the first time? Objection! In fact, I don't think you're ever too old for that. I am a big fan of corrupting the youth, no matter what age the youth happens to be.

I, for the record, have never seen the movie Back to the Future.

I also have never, unless my regular was secretly switched, taken a sip of decaffeinated coffee.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

Under no circumstances could I ever fall asleep with that machine running.

Here, here.

I've never been to London, the place I've always wanted to go. And I am bitterly, BITTERLY, jealous of people who have been. I take their trips to Europe - even trips they took before I even knew them - personally.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I have never, ever been to an over-21 dance club. Not a once. I have never, ever eaten cottage cheese. And you can't make me, either.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

That's because cottage cheese is nasty.

I have never ever snow-skiied. I'm not even sure if that's how you spell skiied. Also, I have no desire to snow-ski. I'll be happily in the lodge with the wine, thankyouverymuch.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I've never skiied either. Something I hope to change, as long as I don't kill myself.

I've never done any sort of "extreme sport." Unless you count parasailing, which I for sure don't. Or rapelling. Maybe that counts, but I don't think so.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I'm with AB: never too old for such corruption. NEVAH.

Me? Never snow-skiied, either. I also never drank in high school, which perhaps is something I probably shouldn't brag about ...

And, I suppose this is only relevant b/c I live in Chicago, but I've never been to the top of the Sears Tower ...

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I have never been to another continent, I have never tried any drugs besides pot, I have never used a pager, I have never ridden a train.

I could go on and on, but it's depressing to me that my life, at 25, feels 1/2 over and I have so much still to do. Which would, you'd think, motivate me to get going. Probably not.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I've never watched a single episode of: "Dawson's Creek," "Charmed," "Law & Order" "The Practice," ""Roswell" and "CSI."

And yet, my life still feels remarkably full.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

That reminds me - I've never seen an episode of "Sex and the City."

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

The Practice is fantastic. But only because of Dylan McDermott.

I have never seen an episode of Law & Order either, although I've probably seen enough snippets while flipping channels to accumulate an episode's worth of time. Is that show ALWAYS on?

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I have never tired of watching 90210 reruns on FX. Also, I have never stopped wondering if Dylan and Kelly are still together, if they're happy, if they've gotten married yet. sigh.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

Never smoked pot, never skiied, never been South of Virginia or West of Chicago, never seen The West Wing, never looked under the hood of a car, never been in a hot tub (obviously never been on The Real World either), and never had more than a glass and a half of alcohol. I need a corruptor, lest I die absolutely pathetic.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I have never ever seen The Godfather or either of the sequels.

Despite some hard time working at the Coffee Beanery, I have never tasted a latte or cappuccino.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I rented the Godfather last year in a "you must sacrifice yourself to the Gods of pop-culture moment." Letdown. It's something that was really innovative when it was made and now you kind of go "mafia flick with great cinematography."

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I've never dyed my hair (yet), never eaten sushi (though I've been to a sushi restaurant), never been out of the U.S., and never gotten chicken pox.

I'll also ditto on smoking pot (don't ever plan to either) and any drugs for that matter or skiing (most sports for that matter).

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2002

I've never peeled an orange. I've never been in an ocean. I've never been in a Nordstrom. I've never seen "Say Anything" or "Jurassic Park." I've never been to Vegas. I've never had a makeover.

(T and her radio show totally scooped me... I'd been working on a "True Confessions" entry, including some of these things I've never done and also the fact that I'm almost 28 years old and I can't make coffee. I've tried, and I just can't! It always comes out either too weak, looking like tea, or too strong to go anywhere but in the engine of my car. But, I abandoned the entry because it made me feel like such a loser.)

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

I've never broken a bone.

I've never had sex with Omar.

I've never been to me.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

I've never had a perm. Y'all, a girl in my sorority tried to convince me to get one in college. If I didn't fall for it in the 80s, why on earth would I have gone for it then?

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

Slickery -- LIAR!

I've never read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

I've never had a V-8. (Except the Splash)

I've never been to Boston, Seattle or Atlanta

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

I've never been in a tanning bed. Well, except this once at my neighbor's house, but it wasn't on, so that doesn't count, right?

I haven't ever seen Say Anything either, PG. We need to rent it.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

I've done more stuff than I thought. Except, I also have never broken a bone. Or had any kind of major surgery (like where you have to go full under).

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

I've never had a cheeseburger or gone to a movie by myself.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

Never broken a bone, or thrown up due to excessive alcohol consumption. Tried pot once.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

I have never broken a bone, either. Also, I have never beaten anyone up. This would probably be less important if I didn't get the urge to do it so often lately. People, I am 25! Grown-ups don't beat up other grown-ups unless they want to spend some time in front of a judge explaining why they cannot conduct themselves like an adult.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

Sorry, I meant to say

I have never had sex with Omar and Anna Beth at the same time.

I have never drunk a beer. Or more of a glass of wine than a polite sip so as not to insult my host.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

You non-drinking, non-throwing up, non-pot-smoking people are COOL. You make me feel like a big ol' SINNAH. Which I am.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

I've never had sex with any Math+1-er.

I've never seen Rocky or any of the sequels.

I've never been camping.

I've never rollerbladed - who the hell would choose that over roller skates? Please.

I've never seen an episode of Buffy. I did see the movie, though.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

When I went to Chicago, everyone used to sing the Rocky theme song to me. It seems there is no Liberty Bell, no Billy Penn, no Joe Frazier, no Alan Iverson. There is only Rocky. The first movie isn't bad...just embarrassing at points.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

PG, that doesn't mean I've never been drunk, as my crazy boyfriend and his bottle of Scotch can tell you. It just means my brain gets drunk faster than my body, so I don't end up puking.

Also, I have never had sex with anyone on this forum. Though not for lack of trying.

And, in the spirit of T's request to keep it clean, I have never read a book by J. K. Rowling.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

I Have Never been skiing or snowboarding. I Have Never seen the ocean. I Have Never picked a potato. (Maybe this is just an Idaho thing to be proud of.)

...and the thing I am most proud of... I HAVE NEVER SET FOOT IN ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH!!!

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

I, too, have never tried pot (or any illegal drugs). Moreover, I've never smoked a cigarette.

I've never watched so much as a minute of Temptation Island, Big Brother, or any of those "reality" shows that's not Survivor. I've never seen any WB show, except for a few minutes of "Dawson's Creek

I've never tasted brussels sprouts.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

Moreover, I've never smoked a cigarette

Now wait. That's not true, is it?

I have never been to Mexico, despite growing up in Texas.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

Oooh! I grew up in TX and never went to Mexico either. And I lived an hour away from the French border for 4 years and never went to France. I'm so very lame.

I'm 28 years old and have never earned a college degree. Or shopped at Saks.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

...and the thing I am most proud of... I HAVE NEVER SET FOOT IN ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH!!!

Now why is this something to be proud of? They have the best khakis in the land! I love my baggy A & F khakis, and furthermore, they last forever. A pox on your A & F hate!

Moreover, I've never smoked a cigarette

Something must be done about the compulsive lying in this thread. Mr. Berman, need I remind you about that one time, at Chao Camp? I think you know the answer to that.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

As God is my witness (and unlike ex-Enron CEO Kenneth Lay), I would be willing to take the stand, raise my right hand and solomnly swear that I've never, ever, smoked a cigarette.

I have, however, smoked cigars.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

Abercrombie annoys me. Every damn kid that one sees around here is decked out in Abercrombie from head to toe, and they all look the same. Abercrombie sucked out the style from my high school. $30 t- shirt? Please.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Tami, I've got your back (especially since you are not my ex's ex Tami from Idaho! cool!). I've been in an A & F exactly once, and I've never purchased a thing. But, for me this is not about the product within... just that I don't go to malls. It's seriously probably been two years since I set foot in one, and the Houston Galleria doesn't count.

Mike! I love you again! Because I too, have NEVERever seen a show on the WB or UPN. In fact, I could say I've never seen Buffy if not for that one night when somebody in this room practically chained me to her couch and forced me to watch the Musical Episode. And when those two lesbian witches were having Broadway Musical Sex, with the floating and the singing and the light from above, I feigned a kidney failure.

hmmmm... who could that have been....?

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

I have never worn an item of clothing from A&F, but I can't join in the dislike. Let's just say I'm grateful to them because they show good judgment in employment matters. And I want a catalog.

Onward: I have never engaged in any sort of romantic or sexual behavior, even hand-holding, with a professional athlete in any sport.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

I have never engaged in any sort of romantic or sexual behavior, even hand-holding, with a professional athlete in any sport.

Oooh, see now, I can't say that.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

I have never engaged in any sort of romantic or sexual behavior, even hand-holding, with a professional athlete in any sport.

I can't say that either. I can't say that even if you substitute rock star for professional athlete. Y'all, there's just too few things I've never done. Is it time to hang up my spurs already?

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

I've never been to Mexico, despite growing up in Los Angeles which is about an hour and a half from the border.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

See, now I'm intensely curious about who's been holding hands with the Hannahs.

I once shared an elevator with Don Sutton. That's it, y'all. And I had a crush on Mike Barrett, who plays for the Expos, when he had the locker next to mine in seventh grade and admired my tiny picture of Eric Davis taped to my locker door. But nothing happened. Not even hand-holding.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Hmm. This is difficult if we're keeping it clean.

I've never seen Buffy or Sex and the City. I've never finished a can of beer. I've smoked pot, but never gotten high/stoned, etc. I've never owned a cat or a dog. I've never eaten beets. Oooh, I've never been hungover.

and... I've never met any Mathletes!

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Well, keep in mind WG that you said "professional" athlete. Not Major League. And not American.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Hmm... I've never spent the night with somebody without anything steamy happening. Apparently this is a rare thing.

I've never been snowskiing, and have never been able to get up on waterskis. (The first I never want to try, the second, I'm going to try again this summer).

I've never jumped out of an airplane with more than 1 other person. (something I hope to change as soon as possible).

And, unfortunately, I've never had sex with Omar and/or AB.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Hannah, if we've both hooked up with Argentinian rugby players, I think we may actually be the same person after all.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Oh! Wait! In terms of rock stars -- the bassist for Alfonso Rodriguez's touring band hit on me in Grenoble. He was married and Spanish, so all he (or I) got was a cheek kiss. Does that count?

I wonder if Argentina hasn't gone into debt by investing so heavily in the creation of hot rugby players.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

I just need to share that this thread title keeps putting this damn song from Vacation Bible School in my head.

Never, never, never have I ever, ever, ever been so happy, happy, happy with my Lord

and there's more and I can't get rid of it and I'm kind of mad at God right now so it's making me CRAZY.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

You'd think as someone raised Mormon I'd at least be able to say Never Have I ever been to Vacation Bible School. But you'd be wrong.

And now I have that song in my head to. Grr.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Never have I ever been to Vacation Bible School.

Never have I ever coherently spoken or written a full sentence in Hebrew, either.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

Hannah, if we've both hooked up with Argentinian rugby players...

Uruguayan soccer player. Close enough though, right?

Also, this guy I madly crushed on in college who played for the Chicago Blackhawks farm team. Sadly? He was dumb as a rock. But he did go on a local radio station ever Friday and review movies. His rating system? Pucks. What was the penultimate 4 puck film? Slapshot.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2002

I've never been even remotely attracted to someone who wasn't very musical--singing, guitar, trumpet, you name it; it's always been something.

I can't think of a single interesting, "clean" thing I've never done.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

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