Diffrence between pirated VCD and original VCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I've Sony DVD. If i go to vedio clubs asking for VCD.. i always get pirated VCD's. Sony DVD doen't play pirated VCD. In India most of the Vedio clubs rent pirated VCD's. How do i know it is pirated. Otherwise i would like to know how do i these pirated VCD's run on Sony DVD.


-- srinath (srinathsm@yahoo.com), February 11, 2002


There will ALWAYS BE pirated VCDs for better or for worse. If you have a Sony I think your concern should be: it can't play CD-Rs so it can't play these VCDs, pirated or otherwise. It will only play pressed conventional CDs and VCDs. Only very recently, in its latest DVD player line-up, has Sony been bulldozed into grudgingly providing CD-R/RW playing capabilities after admitting it's a selling point.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), February 11, 2002.

As Mehmet said, what you have is a CD-R compatibility issue. Some Sony DVD players will play Prime Peripheral brand CD-Rs. These are sold in the USA at Office Max, which will do you no good as you apparently live in India. No, I will NOT go buy some and ship them to you, so don't even ask. You might be able to order them through the web at www.officemax.com if you want them. Legitimate VCDs will look silver on the data side just like a legitimate audio CD. Pirate VCDs will have a blue or green tint due to being on CD-R media. I should add that Prime Peripherals brand CD-Rs are known to work on some Sony DVD players sold in the USA and they may not work at all on your particular model.

-- Jason (Jason.Shumate@equant.com), February 11, 2002.

This site :- http://www.d8a.co.uk/vcd lists only non pirate suppliers of VCD (Mainly from Malaysia) and there is a good how to tell if it's pirate article on http://pub45.ezboard.com/fvcdfansfrm1 I hope this helps!

-- Waynne Smith (hemail@ukfun.com), March 18, 2002.

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