Were to get spare parts for Canon XL1 ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I have damaged the cover of the MANUAL SHUTTER BUTTONS AND IRIS WHEEL BLOCK on my Canon XL1. The block functions normally, but it's plastic connecrions with the body are broken, so the block is hanging on it's connection. I want the block to change, but I leave in Georgia (Caucasus) were the spare parts are not available. Can somebody tell me were can I purchase the needed part? Thank you. David

-- David Chikhladze (diamedica@hotmail.com), February 10, 2002


Have you tried calling Canon? I had a broken eyepiece and called canon, the lady mailed me the specs and sold me piece by peice what I needed.

-- Eric Henton (ehenton@hotmail.com), April 02, 2002.

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