Nikon 28 to 80 f3.5 to 5.6 OR Sigma 28 to 105 f2.8 to f4 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Which would be the best lens (bearing in mind that complicated formulae or price, quality, etc)

I know the Nikon 28 to 80 AFD is good and sharpo but I do fancy the Sigma 28 to 105 F2.8 to F4 lens as well. In addition, I have 72mm skylight and poleriser filters already and these will fit the Sigma.

Does the Sigma have good quality glass etc.

-- Vic Walsh (, February 10, 2002



I have modern Sigma lenses and they are first class: no question.

I have the Nikon 28-105 and that is FANTASTIC, as far as sharpness, contrast and distortion go. ALSO, it has a 1:2 Macro feature which greatly adds to the versatility. That was the main reason I got it and am glad I did. It is worth the extra money.


-- RICHARD ILOMAKI (, February 10, 2002.

I've had a couple of Sigma 28-105 f/2.8-4 lenses. Bad lens. Stay away from it. Very soft wide open and never really gets sharp stopped down. I've got some good Sigma lenses too, but this isn't one of them.

-- Jim Strutz (, February 10, 2002.

Thanks guys for the advice. (conflicting or otherwise)

I've desided to go for the Nikon because I had a Sigma lens on a canon some time ago and its autofocus was forever hunting which drove me quite mad.

It seems the 28to 105 gets either v.good or v.bad reviews and to me it is best to edge to the side of caution.

I'll post my results for the Nikon 28 to 80 afd when I get hold of one.


-- Vic Walsh (, February 11, 2002.

Dear Vic, just saw this and it sort of relates to my query which i just posted re sigma lenses - was the 28-105 you had an EX series 2.8?? or another . A

-- anna edgar (, February 11, 2002.

The Sigma 28-105 f/2.8-4 is not an EX series lens.

-- Jim Strutz (, February 11, 2002.

Hard for me to comment on the Sigma - I had the 28-70 constant F2.8 model (pre EX). VERY sharp with good contrast & colour balance, but flare was a major problem. I PXd it for a 28-105 Nikkor. Works well, & the macro feature useful, if soft in corners (no CRC). Personally, I would tend to go with Nikkors if funds permit - also better resale prices, judging from some of the silly money paid for consumer-grade plastic lenses on Ebay!


-- Simon Hickie (, February 21, 2002.

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