Problems with VCD playback on DVD player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I recently have ventured into creating Video CDs of my home movies using MGI VideoWave III. The problem I have is when I burn my CD and play it on my Wharfedale 750 DVD player the Audio track is very broken and the video quality is slightly "jumpy". I was wondering what settings I should be creating my mpegs with before I burn the CD. Currently I am set on MPEG1, 352x288, 25fps, 24bit color, video quality 225Kb/s, video data rate 225Kb/s, Audio stereo 16bit, sample rate 44.1kHz, Audio data rate 28KB, Total data rate 253 KB/s. Help would be appreciated. Thanks

-- Ron (, February 09, 2002


Your bitrates are all around the garden--miraculous that the Wharfedale played it at all. VCD intended for PAL playback settings that you have mentioned are okay except for bitrates: White Book dictates that audio should be 224kb/s and video should be 1150kb/s, for a total MPEG stream constant bitrate (CBR) of 1374kb/s. If you're using Adaptec/Roxio Easy CD throw that away and use Nero instead. Lastly, the MPEG encoder that comes with VideoWave is Ligos LSX, which (despite all hype about its alleged fast encoding speeds produces so-so quality anyway) may make you want to try TMPGenc ( You render to an AVI file and feed it to TMPGenc for encoding.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, February 10, 2002.

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