Sekonic L208 Twinmate meter - available in the US? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I hope someone can help. I am trying to obtain a Sekonic L208 Twinmate, and seem to remember in a previous 'meter' thread someone having one. I usually use a 308 but am looking for an even smaller, simpler 'Weston' style meter for occasional use.

They don't seem to be imported to the UK, can anyone tell me the price and recommend a helpful US dealer who would export one to the UK by standard airmail?

Many thanks.

-- Giles Poilu (, February 09, 2002


I can't answer the question but I thought I'd just ask you how you're finding the 308? I bought one a few weeks ago and I've only managed to use it a couple of times and only as a flash meter and I was just wondering how it fares as an ambient meter

-- Philip Woodcock (, February 09, 2002.

This is not an answer to your plea, however, last year, I had the same thought. Tried the L208 at the dealer and decided to stay with the L308. In other words I would recommend trying it before buying it say mail order. It is small but its is also FAT ( in the pocket). IMO it is also slow to use and feels quite fragile. Happy hunting.

-- sait (, February 09, 2002.

Answering Philips question, I bought the L308 several years ago as a back up meter to a Minolta Flashmeter IV, and it is now back up for L508. If I am walking the streets with a Leica than it is the only meter I carry. I have dropped the L308 from belt height on to asphalt several times (unintentionally) and it seems to serve without any problems. IMO it can be used confidently for both reflective and incident readings, either in the studio or on the streets.

-- sait (, February 09, 2002.

Phillip, The 308 is a handy meter but I miss the 'instant' view of all speed/aperture combinations that my old Weston Selenium meter used to offer. In terms of ambient use I have found I need to be very careful with the angle of the dome to avoid incorrect readings. A few degrees this way or that can alter the reading by a full stop or more.

Sait, thanks, how much are they?

-- Giles Poilu (, February 09, 2002.

I bought my L208 Twin-Mate from B&H about a year ago. Try their website It was $169. Great little meter, narrow reading angle (like a 90mm lens), with a shoe mount and a lock button so you take a reading at eyelevel and can therefore aim the meter using the 90 framelines.

-- Jay (, February 09, 2002.

Thanks Jay, I thought it may have been you who mentioned it once in a Voigtlander meter thread. I checked the website and they are $149 - to be honest I thought it might me much cheaper, the L308 is cheaper here on the UK!

-- Giles Poilu (, February 09, 2002.

Giles, by now you know how much they are, I also thought at the the time that it was expensive for what it is.

-- sait (, February 09, 2002.


Sekonic meters (marketed by the same guys as Mamiya) are MUCH more expensive in the U.S. than in the U.K. I tried looking for a 208 by mail order in the UK but gave up-in any case, I ended up getting the 308.

The 208, though small, is fat-much fatter than the small selenium cell meters still marketed by some manufacturers (the ones with the analog dials and the slide on incident blinds that measure from above EV 4 or so). It is about the lightest weight meter I've seen, on the other hand. Pity they did not make it any slimmer.

Try emailing Cathay Photo in Singapore for a non-US price quote.

If I can, I'll get you the contact fax numbers of a couple of Hong Kong retailers. They usually have the lowest prices on the planet for this kind of stuff.

-- Mani Sitaraman (, February 09, 2002.

Thanks very much everyone.

-- Giles Poilu (, February 10, 2002.

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