90/2.8 elmarit m - focusing cam question

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I've got an older version 90 elmarit M lens that seems to focus properly and produces sharp images, but when mounted on my M6, the images in the finder do not line up as well as they might vertically when in focus, though they do line up properly with horizontal focus. I do not have the same problem with any other lens mounted on the camera, so I tend to think that it is not a vertical alignment problem within the rangefinder, but rather one within the lens. I thought I had seen a string here that mentioned that the focusing cam on the lens can be adjusted. Is this true? Is there a part of the lens I can adjust myself without doing it damage and, if so, how? Thanks in advance.

-- Peter B. Goldstein (peter.goldstein@us.cgeyc.com), February 08, 2002


Vertical alignment is adjusted in the camera. The only lenses that you can adjust vertical alignment on are the ones with goggles. The cameras rangefinder arm only moves the image horizontally so a lens cannot change vertical alignment (except for lenses with goggles).

-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), February 08, 2002.

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