Painting hint : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

Did you know that when you are painting and have to stop for some reason before you are finished that you can wrap your brush in foil without cleaning and put it in the freezer? When ready to paint again, take brush out and let it soften a few minutes. Works great but I have only used it for water based paints. Doubt it would work for oil based paints but who uses them much anymore anyway?

-- Barb in Ky. (, February 07, 2002


A cheap plastic bag is good to store water or oil base brushes in for short periods of time. Put wire twistie around bag and handle above the brush part to keep air out.

Another way is to take a coffee can, cut slit in plastic lid and hand brush in the can dangling from lid, close lid onto can.


-- Marie (, February 07, 2002.

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