To Whom it may concern : LUSENET : The Christian Church (Real) : One Thread

After all I have tried to do to STOP the posts from that other Christian Church form from coming into my inbox they continue to come. Frankly, what they are saying is depressing and boring, and I especially believe Danny's attitude is going to keep him out of heaven. I'm not gossiping here because I told him that last year. This morning two or three of Danny's post have come into my inbox.

If ANYONE from that other Christian Church forum reads this message PLEASE have *Mr. Attitude* to somehow stop the posts from coming into my inbox. I have hit the *disconnecting alert* which didn't work, and why should it when I haven't had anything to do with that list for about 1 year (or more.) These posts started ONLY after I started discussing on THIS list.


Nelta Brock

-- Nelta Brock (, February 06, 2002



Try going to the alerts page. You should be able to disable your alerts there.

-- "Blah" (blah@blah.blah), February 06, 2002.

I did that. It didn't stop anything.


-- Nelta Brock (, February 06, 2002.


Did you email Danny about this problem? Or Duane? Maybe they can stop them.

It is very strange though that all of the sudden you would be getting posts from that forum when you have not been there for such a long time. I wonder what is up??

-- D. Lee Muse (, February 07, 2002.

Thanks, Lee, for responding to this. I told one of the fellows whose post came into my inbox a couple of days ago. He then wrote me..cced to Danny. So Danny knows the problem even though I have not written directly to him. When I first hit the alert URL it took all the alerts off of this forum and my Church of Christ forum. I was able to reinstate these two. I have NO idea what is going on. I am not getting posts from any other forums in this community.

Again, Lee, thanks!


-- Nelta Brock (, February 07, 2002.

Go to the alerts page

Type in your e-mail address in the "edit alerts" box; click submit

A list of all alerts on every lusenet forum you have every subscribed to will appear. If the alert is "active" you will recieve posts via e- mail. simply click the link to disable that alert. Use your browsers back button to return to the page as needed for additional alert maintenance.

E-mail Alan and request a password protection for alerts....right now, ANYONE can turn your alerts on or off. Lusenet NEEDS this upgrade.

-- (, February 07, 2002.

Your list of alerts is long Nelta:

Disabled Re-enable church of Christ Monday/Thursday
Disabled Re-enable The Christian Church daily
Disabled Re-enable The Christian Church instant
Disabled Re-enable The Christian Church instant
Active Disable The Christian Church instant
Disabled Re-enable All About First Century Christianity instant
Disabled Re-enable The Christian Church instant
Active Disable church of Christ instant
Active Disable The Christian Church (Real) instant
Active Disable church of Christ instant
Active Disable church of Christ instant
Active Disable church of Christ instant
Disabled Re-enable The Christian Church (Real) instant
Disabled Re-enable The Christian Church instant
Disabled Re-enable The Christian Church instant
Disabled Re-enable The Christian Church instant
Disabled Re-enable The Christian Church instant
Disabled Re-enable The Christian Church instant

You need to disable the active alerts if you don't want to receive posts. I didn't do that, I don't mess with other people's alerts.

-- (just@trying.tohelp), February 09, 2002.

Ok, I might try that.:-) It is getting to be fun just evedropping.

Now someone will probably go in my elert thing and delete ALL my elerts. Oh, well....there are other things to worry about in this life.

Thanks, helper.


-- Nelta Brock (, February 09, 2002.


I went to the alerts page to set up email alerts for this forum, but now don't remember how to get back to the alerts page. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

Thank you,

-- D. Lee Muse (, February 13, 2002.

With a little more searching, I found the alerts page.


-- D. Lee Muse (, February 13, 2002.


Another thing you might do is just program your inbox to send all messages from that forum to your delete or trash box on your email program. Most email programs allow you to do this. One program I use calls it 'inbox assistant' and another falls is 'filters.' If you click around on the options on your email, you should be able to find it. Even Yahoo mail has a similar feature. You just have to remember to clean out your trash or delete box every so often.

One thing I do is create different mailboxes for different discussion groups. That keeps group mail from cluttering up my personal mail. If I wanted to, I could delete the whole mailbox with that group discussion. Also, if you let your inbox get too big, the risk of an overwrite goes up. I've lost huge inboxes before. If your discussion groups are in a different mailbox, when your inbox crashes, you don't lose your discussion group mailboxes, usually. Tha't sthe way it works for me, anyway.

-- Link Hudson (, February 14, 2002.

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