Wooden troughs in West Central Arkansas

greenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

I have 30 10ft wooden troughs. They are 3ft wide by 1ft deep. They are two years old and are on 4x6 skids. They are made of post oak. Asking 20.00 a piece or whatever you got. Thanks. I am in west central Arkansas and you would have to be able to pick them up.

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2002


WOW i dont need them but all you people intrested in raised beds looks like a deal!!! Bob se,ks.

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2002

Are you near Oden arkansas....I just moved from there. My parents live in Pencil bluff, so does sis. small world...LOL

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2002

Small world doesn't begin to describe it!!! I'm in Pencil Bluff, too.

-- Anonymous, February 04, 2002

I am North of you guys in the Arkansas River Valley. Maybe I should of said Northwest, but then that sounds like Fayetteville to me. Argh, I am awful at descriptions. My husband and dad wrote all this stuff down for me and told me to try to sell these troughs. We lost our lease on a bunch of land and they have to go. But they are HEAVY!! Well, nice to here from some neighbors.

-- Anonymous, February 04, 2002

I was born in Logan county Live in Western Maryland now!!

-- Anonymous, February 04, 2002

Hi Renabeth,

WE are in Newton Conty, guess that isn't close enough to really work. BTW what did you use them for? Seems like they might work for feeding my sheep or pigs. Kim

-- Anonymous, February 06, 2002

These are sold. Thanks everyone for responding.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2002

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