Could I convert CDV Karaoke disk from NTSC to Pal an record it? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

This is my question.. That I have NTSC CDVideo Karaoke disks tht I really need to convert to PAL especifications, but I don´t konw if it´s able to do with any software. Inside the Cd they are 3 folders named CDI/, MPEGAV (with the songs), and VCD (allwys with 2 files, entries and info.vcd), ¿where is here the informations about the ntsc or pal system? ¿what do I have to change? Many thanks by anticipate.

-- Miguel (, February 03, 2002


The NTSC system uses a different frame rate from the PAL system. Now you may need to re-compress your *.dat files to the PAL system. Please try "TMPGenc", "Panasonic MPEG-1 Encoder", or "Media Cleaner" to do such a job & remember to choose the PAL format. Finally, write the files to a CD-R by using the Video-CD mode.

-- Frederic (, February 25, 2002.

Ignore that , He means VCD CDV Is used by laser players. i am trying to do the same job , but i cant find nothing

-- Lee Taylor (, September 15, 2002.

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