FS: M-6 HM Classic and Rapidwinder

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

M-6 HM Classic (Black of course) NIB with all packing, paperwork, IB, and unfilled warranty cards. $2,800 US.

Walked into my dealer to stock up on film before embarking on an overseas project back in '98. Happened to be a "Leica Day" and he talked (he didn't have to talk too hard) me into this. Put it on the shelf and when I returned in 3 months found they had discontinued model so kept it there except to exercise the shutter and RF arm every 6 months or so. No rolls through it and even the battery is in it's original packing.

Tom A's Rapindwinder (Chrome) NIB $435

"New" might technically be a fib of sorts. Did have it mounted for one roll and found I didn't like the balance at all, but then again I have older and lighter lenses.

e-mail if anyone is interested.

-- Jerome R. Pfile, Jr. (JerryPfile@msn.com), February 01, 2002


What's an HM Classic. I can't keep up with all the special editions.

-- (bmitch@home.com), February 01, 2002.

He must mean "high mag.", the .85 viewfinder NON-TTL version, just made for a very short time before the TTL version came out. A rare camera, I guess...

-- Steve Hoffman (shoffman2@socal.rr.con), February 01, 2002.

They made about 3000 of them.

-- Mani Sitaraman (bindumani@pacific.net.sg), February 01, 2002.

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