Our Forum Motto

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Our Forum Motto

Scriptura sui ipsius interpres [Scripture is its own interpreter]

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2002


This motto is very important in this forum for it expresses one of the most important basic principles of understanding the word of God. We shall use it constantly in our endeavor to understand the truths taught in the inspired scriptures. For by using this method we are allowing God to direct our understanding rather than the private, and biased interpretations of men which are guided more by denominational and sectarian pride and prejudice than by the Holy Spirit speaking through the inspired writers of the word of God.

We will not take the time to explain this in detail for it is our hope that it will become self- evident in our work. It is our prayer that you will learn how to listen to God's explanations in his perfect design of making the meaning of His word clear to us. The very way in which God arranged for all the words in the scriptures to be placed he made it possible that the diligent lover of truth can derive His intended meaning from it. Thus by following God’s reasoning without bias in favor of any creed, doctrine or theological surmising and presuppositions of any party or sect one who loves the truth will find it.

For is this not the exact ideal that any writer seeks when he communicates with others using the laws of language? While human writers can but strive to make their intended meaning known in writing only God is actually able to perfectly do so. Then it is not unreasonable to think that when God chose the written word as his means of communication with man that he would follow the laws of language which he created to be used as a means of communication between man, his fellowmen, and Himself in the garden? And we would surely expect that God used these laws to perfection. Therefore we shall strive to seek out his own interpretations in his perfect use of language to express his blessed will to us. Hence, if we fail to understand the word of God it is not the fault of it’s all wise divine and Holy Author but rather the frail, feeble, weak and biased minds of its readers who are often desireous of justifying themselves in doing their own will.

To think that God could not communicate his truth to us because he is far superior to us in all things is contradictory to the very idea of his superiority. For to think that God is not able to use the very means that he created and designed for the very purpose of making himself and his will known to mankind. WE have faith in his ability to do this and shall at ever opportunity allow God to make his meaning known to us through His own appeal to our reasons in His own chosen words.

SO, let us come to God’s word with a strong desire to know, understand and humbly obey His will and a constant prayer own our lips that he will protect us from any and all bias against the truth that might lurk in the crevices of our souls. For without this spirit we shall come to HIS WORD with no better purpose than to prove, with no regard or concern for the truth, what we always believed to be true before our coming to it, and what is worse, we might against all truth succeed! For by this means men have always had “ears to hear but hear not” and “eyes to see but see not”. God forbid that we shall succeed in such an approach if our prior beliefs were contrary to truth! Let us approach with the spirit of “Here am I Lord teach me” which is in harmony with the attitude of Our Lord who said “Not my will but thine be done”. SO let us pray please, “dear Lord, not my half- truths by thy whole truth be known”

Your Brother in CHrist

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2002

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