In search of ... (literary version) : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

Is there a book, or special edition of a book, that you can't seem to find anywhere?

What do you immediately look for when you enter a bookstore?

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2002


I guess this isn't exactly what you're talking about. There's this book from when I was a little kid that has tormented me for years. A dollhouse with three (?) sets of figures from different time periods. All I remember is a bunch of paid mourners at a funeral, which I'd never heard of at the time. And a skeleton covered over by dirt in a basement. It was older. I've been back to my childhood library several times and I can't find it. Medieval and dollhouses. What could be wrong with that?

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2002

I found the book I wanted- Supposing by Alistair Reid- on Amazon's zShops. I love the internet. I had been looking for my own copy for years, since I knew there was no way my parents would give me their copy (which my dad has had since his childhood). Anyway, it's probably one of my favorite children's books of all time and well worth looking for if you're a parent.

And I'm always on the lookout for the second two volumes of Ambrose's Nixon bio, which I can never evah find.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

A sidenote regarding Nixon books.

Although I'm sure you already have it, PG, Nixon Agonistes by Garry Wills is really good. I had to skim it for my comps and I found myself actually reading it, much to the consternation of the other 36 books I had to read in three weeks.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

I heartily endorse the book by Gary Wills as well. And not only because he's my little brother's faculty advisor over at Northwestern.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

I've seen it but never bought it. Now I shall.

-- Anonymous, February 02, 2002

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