Trestle Bridge in Griffin, GA : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I was wondering what happened at the Trestle Bridge exactly. Do you know the exact date and time it happened?? I hear that if you go out there around 1 A.M. that you can hear people screaming. A friend and I went out there last nite around 9 P.M. We walked down to the old bridge. I was scared so we went and sat back in my car. Anyways, thanks so much

Crystal Bryan

-- Crystal Bryan (, January 30, 2002


So it was condemned? That really sucks. Gotta love those NIMBYs. Have they taken it down yet?

-- Andrew Durden (, January 05, 2004.

What exactly are y'all referring to? We are the last ones to have owned this bridge, from 1991, until a couple of months ago, when it was condemned by HCWA, and from what we gather, a freight derailed in the late 80's just past the trestle, and messed up the track past it towards Griffin, and it has never been completely repaired. As far as all the other tales, all large trestles have them. Except for what the general public has done there over the years, (which is scary!) there really hasn't been anything major (railroad related) happen there that we're aware of. No multiple death crashes, etc. ....Someone correct me if I'm wrong, if you know of something we don't.
Elton, Roosevelt Railroad, Griffin, Ga.

-- Elton (, January 02, 2004.

if anyone could find out an exact date i would be very grateful.

-- patrick kilgo (, January 02, 2004.

Is this the abandoned trestle on the "Old" Southern at the end of the NS training center trackage, aproximatley 8 miles north of Griffin on "Trestle Road?"

-- Andrew Durden (, February 05, 2002.

As far as I have heard Crystal, there was a derailment on that old trestle years ago. I believe it was a freight that derailed however, not the Nancy Hanks or Man 'O' War. Does anyone else have any info on this particular trestle?

Jon "In all of your getting, get understanding." Proverbs 4:7

P.S. I was in Griffin today and had the opportunity to drive by where the "C-Line" Turnout used to be, as well as, do some railfanning at the yard. Today an SD40 in NS Paint with Southern sublettering was working the yard.

-- Jonathan Vanover (, February 04, 2002.

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