greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

Hello I would like to know when the next burning man festival is? I would also like to know if they have picked a site for it yet. Plus I would like to know if there is a pyrotechnic school that you know of Please email me back at Lunar_Spike@yahoo.com or ElmorPud@hotmail.com

-- James (Lunar_Spike@yahoo.com), January 30, 2002


how to i join you and what is your organation is working i am in very helpes condition too how to you help me in future thank i am job less since 1999

-- sami ahmed (sami234877@hotmail.com), June 18, 2002.

everything you need to know is at www.burningman.com

-- Spartacus (robmillernow@hotmail.com), February 02, 2002.

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