Why I like Elmar-M 50mm 1:2.8

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

-- Glenn Travis (leciaddict@hotmail.com), January 28, 2002


It's my lens ,too

But What Happen here?

-- Chong (doctorpuchong@hotmail.com), January 29, 2002.

Nice bokeh!

-- rob (rob@robertappleby.com), January 29, 2002.

There's always a wag (or wonker)in the audience.

-- Glenn Travis (leciaddict@hotmail.com), January 29, 2002.

Just now and then Glen. Just now and then.

-- rob (rob@robertappleby.com), January 29, 2002.

Glenn- This is a good reason for liking the 50mm Elmar-M, but is it doing something that can't be done with other Leica 50s? Of course, it is doing it more economically! Do you remember the aperature and shutter speed? What film did you use? Is this part of a college campus? I am an admirer (and owner) of the 50 Elmar-M; that's why I'm curious.

-- Frank Horn (owlhoot45@hotmail.com), January 30, 2002.

Nice shot. Is this the current Elmar?

-- ray tai (razerx@netvigator.com), January 30, 2002.

Very nice! Where is it?

-- rob (rob@robertappleby.com), January 30, 2002.

Palais de Chaillot, Paris. Leitz M6; (1995) Elmar-M, 50mm 1:2,8; B+W KR 1.5 MRC; Bogen tabletop tripod with extender, braced against my chest; Fuji Sensia II 200 (24 exp)@ f2.8, 1/4 sec. Usually when speaking of Leica 50's, the Elmar-M seems to be the odd man out. Rarely refered to in the same sentence, or even paragraph, as a Noct, Cron, or Lux, I believe the Elmar-M is, non the less, a worthy contender to these other find lenses.

-- Glenn Travis (leciaddict@hotmail.com), January 30, 2002.

Glenn- If you can get a photo that sharp, at 1/4 sec, with the tripod on your chest, you must not have been drinking, correct? ;-) I was intrigued with the small size of the 50 Elmar-M. I had already tried the 50 cron on another camera; the price of the little 50 Elmar- M was right, so I bought it. I have been very well pleased. The only exception being the difficulty in setting it to less than half stops. Yesterday, I was taking a picture that called for f/11.5 and I could bearely make it stay put there. It wanted to slip into f/11 or f/16, Maybe the new crons & luxes do the same thing (?). If so, the crew at Solms needs to fix that. This is something new; the old Leitz lenses did not do this.

-- Frank Horn (owlhoot45@hotmail.com), January 31, 2002.

PS- Change *bearly* to *barely* in the previous post.

-- Frank Horn (owlhoot45@hotmail.com), January 31, 2002.

Frank, you're correct, I was not drinking. Like carrying a whole photo shop in a bag, it's just something that doesn't appeal to me any longer. My Elmar-M has 1/2 stops from f2.8 to f8, and whole stops from f8 to f16. I just figured Solm's was trying to tell me something (although I'm not sure what) and stopped at that. Usually when I meter, I try to have at least one arrow lit, and I prefer a slight overexposure, so I don't really worry about half stops that much, especially now with Photoshop.

-- Glenn Travis (leciaddict@hotmail.com), January 31, 2002.

Glenn- My 50mm Elmar-M is the same. Setting it to half a stop between f/11 & f/16 is a problem. From f/5.6 upward, 1/4 stops are a problem (it wants to drop into the nearest stop). I use the M4-P, with hand held meter. This is a annoying on this least-expensive Leica lens, but it would really bother me on something like a $2500 Summilux or Noctilux. As I said before, the older Leitz lenses could be set more closely. Solms should look into this.

-- Frank Horn (owlhoot45@hotmail.com), January 31, 2002.

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