looking for spinning instruction - Ozarks

greenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

I have the wheel and the wool but also unfortunately 2 left thumbs! I would love to trade wool for spinning lessons. I am in the Arkansas Ozarks any spinners around here.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2002



The Ozark Folk Center in Mountainburg has classes on spinning and many other things. It is a really neat place. Our clogging group goes to the folk dance festival held there in September. They have a web site but I don't remember what it is. I'm sure you could find it with a simple search.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2002

Sorry, Mountainview, not burg.

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2002

Tthere is a website called "thejoyofspinning.com" that I have found very useful. susan

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2002

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