Wana play VCD on my laptopgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hello All, I want to play VCD on my laptop. I am looking for VCD player which are freely available/downloadable. I have media player but it doesn't play VCD. I would appreciate any response regarding the same.Thanks Rion
-- Rion Cordial (rfioncordial@hotmail.com), January 27, 2002
Microsoft's media player should be able to play VCD. However you have to open the .dat files to start playing. Click on File->open and get into the folder named "MPEGAV". Then change the file type (at bottom) to "all files". Now you will see a list of .dat files. Select one and start playing.
-- shuo (shuohuang@mail.com), January 29, 2002.
Sorry, shou I want to add some thing more. I am able to play small .DAT files by my media player but not big files say 500 MB. I am not even able to copy that file to hard disk. Having lot of prob with the .DAT file and still not solved.
-- danial (dani351@hotmail.com), April 10, 2002.
i want to play vcd on my laptop, i have media player but it does not play vcd and its operation is complicated, can u please give me simple and easy to play program to download and play vcd, thanks, Shafi,
-- shafi (shafiinchina@hotmail.com), December 25, 2002.
Shuo is right on the money here, but if you are still experiencing problems you can copy the .dat file to your hard drive and rename it using a .mpg extension and Media Player will do it's job. There is no need for a 3rd party player.
-- DJ 1200 (dj1200@hotmail.com), February 26, 2003.