donation : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

I would like to know if I could donate a sea anemone carousel creature to a museum for others to enjoy from burningman 2001.It was a raffle prize and I don't have any place big enough in my house to display it.

-- kim buonocore (, January 24, 2002


I dunno if the Material Culture team takes stuff that big, but they're worth a try.


Every year theme camps, artists, and participants produce an array of interesting collectible artifacts for playa gift-giving, including stickers, toys, jewelry, booklets, etc. This year we have developed a process for collecting these items for our archives. One can fill out our Material Culture form and bring it and the object to the Artery in Center Camp, at Burning Man, or simply send it any time to: Burning Man Archives, PO Box 884688, SF 94188.

-- Sebbo (, February 27, 2002.

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