pachinko sexy reaction : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

well, i just DLed this game and got to tha last broad...problem is, i played that level alone for over an hour and a half and never got past tha first round. i don't think i even saw one ball get up to tha top level slot thing. other than tha button to shoot tha balls out, what else can you do to make tha balls go where you want? no other button, except tha "shoot balls" button, seem to do anything. any help would be appreciated. thanks

-- snypah (, January 24, 2002


I think the 'n' and 'm' keys are left and right.

-- Spikey (, January 24, 2002.

use the mouse or joystick since the arcade game itself is designed for a trackball

-- morphie (, April 05, 2002.

The objective of pachinko, for those who’ve never played before, is to score by getting balls to fall in the slots on the game board. In this particular game, your objective is to get the pachinko machine for each girl to payout the number of balls displayed above her. Each girl plays this way for three rounds increasing the number of balls you must win each round.

The best way to accomplish the goal is to try and land balls in the start slot (that’s the one in the center below the ‘slots’ window with the wings on it) and get the slots rolling. Score on the slots and the game goes into ‘Fever’ mode where you score big payouts by dropping balls into the small doors below the start slot that open and close only during ‘Fever’. Try to land a ball in each of the doors before ‘Fever’ ends, this keeps it going until the last round of ‘Fever’ or until you cash in your balls for the prize (but I’m not gonna tell you what that is ^-^ ).

The controls for this game are a Paddle and a Launch button. Be sure you have the paddle controls set so they are not the same as your P1 Joystick Left and Right, the P1 Joystick interferes with the operation of the paddle and Joy controls are not used in this game anyway. The Paddle is important as it controls how hard the launcher hits balls, and thus how far they go when they come out of the chute. In MAME, the first Paddle entry is Paddle Left, the second is Paddle Right.

Turning the Paddle to the Right increases the force the launcher hits the balls with. Your paddle position is nicely displayed in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.

-- Ooarashi (, April 13, 2002.

I just d/l from a couple of sites and I'm using mame32 v.060. but it doesn't work. all my other roms work fine. game audit says it's fine, and i can configure the game, but alas there is no game. any ideas? please email me.

-- nalej (, June 05, 2002.

where can i find this game for download?

-- Jonny Tanna (, November 09, 2002.

i can upload it to someone who will give me server space... email me w/ subject "PACHINKO SEXY REACTION" hehehe...

-- cody (, November 16, 2002.

do you think someone could email this game to me i cant find it anywhere

-- drow (, November 25, 2003.

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