The use of fractals : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

Hi! Maybe you can help me find some formulas of fractal. I am specially interseted in founding formulas that can be applyed in then real life case; predicticting the variations on stock market, in health or other domains. I am asking you that because i am inteseted in writing a software who doesn't just draw fractals but it uses them. I searched the internet but i could't find anything that i could use(Fromulas,methods or algorithms). With regards Gabi

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002


Well, I'll try to help . . .

Some information about fractals and the stock market

Fractals and portfolio theory

A whole bunch of fractal links

You may have already seen these, if you've been searching.

You don't happen to have any interest in American history, do you?

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

Heh. I think there should be a disclaimer in the forum title that there is no actual math involved.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

Hmm, unless Willie Nelson sings a song about fractals, we don't know the answer. Poor mathless MATH, y'all. We depend heavily on the keychain calculators AB gave us last year.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

I feel smarter just having read the question.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

Hmm, unless Willie Nelson sings a song about fractals, we don't know the answer.

. . .

Well, I keep working that equation, but that equation just don't end / It keeps branching out to nowhere, Lord, that equation just don't end / And now I got me a pretty fractal, but I can't find me a friend.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

I got all the way through two years of calculus and I'm not smart enough to answer that.

But dude, as much as I respect the innovation, using fractals to predict the stock market it the functional equivalent of getting out the ouija board.

You know, my brother just asked me about using fractals as they apply to real life. I made shit up because it makes him think I'm smart. Maybe this is my brother masquerading as someone foreign. Or not.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

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