Would like to work as a doula and childbirth instructor in St.Louis, Missouri.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Doula.Com General Discussion : One Thread

My name is Shannon Dale and I have a bachelors degree in education. Currently I teach high school science and biology. In addition to this, I spent 2 years in nursing school before deciding on education as my major. I am 32 years old and have 5 children. I have fallen in love with the entire pregnacy birth experience and wish more than anything to work in this field. I would be willing to give up teching high school and work with someone or an agency full time if needed. I would appreciate any information on becoming a doula, child birth instructor, and where to find work. I will be available June of 2002 on a full time basis (except for August 2-12) and could work part-time until then. Thank- you in advance for any information or help you can give.

Shannon Dale (St. Louis, Missouri) shannondale05@hotmail.com

-- Shannon Dale (shannondale05@hotmail.com), January 22, 2002


You might want to look into several ways to become a doula at www.CAPPA.net. Also, I believe that Barnes Jewish Hospital has a doula program. Someone there may be of help to you!

Blessings, Kay

-- Kay Smith (kayms@swbell.net), January 31, 2002.

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