Evicting someone

greenspun.com : LUSENET : domestic violence : One Thread

I'm a lesbian living in Seattle, WA. My wife & I currently live together. The apartment lease is in my name. She has lived and paid her share of the rent since September 2001. Our relationship of love and respect has ended, due to various forms of DV. I've asked her to leave the premises, but she won't. She says she's looking, but its been 2.5 months now! How do I get her evicted?

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002



I would recomment maybe looking at this site, it gives some specific laws in different states for how to go about evicting someone, the conditions in which you can evict someone, and other miscellaneous information. I personally don't know much about it, but maybe this will be of some use.

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2003

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