TRI-X Pan Pro Development : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Hand developing some TRI-X in X-tol straight, 6 1/2 min as prescribed. I shot some grey cards, carefully spot metering, and read the resultant densities on the neg StatusM Visible. My question: Are there mid-grey aim for this film/developer combo? 1.15? How about Dmin? .32? I could expose a gamma wedge and track my gamma exactly in development to the average .56 - .62, but I'm just looking for general aims here. Check the Kodak website by no specific aims were seen, only deduced from the characteristic curve data plot. I also understand what is technically right may not be "right" for everyone's needs and style. Many thanks for the help. -Doug "gettin' back in the darkroom" Delaney

-- Doug Delaney (, January 21, 2002


0.32D sounds like a high fog level to me, but why are you messing about with trivia like this? Get out and shoot some PICTURES.

-- Pete Andrews (, January 22, 2002.

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