Prayer - Raymond Leonard - 17 Jan 02 : LUSENET : Experience into Words : One Thread


By nature consumes


Bursting in

Raised-palm flames

Out of hollow


Emptying home of

All folds of warmth

All surety of furrows

All shelves of time

All of all.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002


Response to Prayer

I know, as if it was my only sure knowledge, that I have yet somewhere to visit. Someplace palpable, as though just beneath the skin; familiar, if hungry depth can be such. When I ask about it my words like bell-hammers call out to the universe, call in to my being, calling attention to the Word. In this Word I begin to move; I turn a corner; and I see, a place is open for me. A place of intimate whispering with and a place of open telling of. This Word has become my place of prayer.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2002

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