645NII as Backup for the 67

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I recently purchased a Pentax 645NII as a second body and back-up for my 67II system. It makes a lot of sense since it can use all 67 lenses, and offers along with lower weight and bulk several other worthwhile features.

I've written a review of it which can be found at http://www.luminous-landscape.com/645nii.htm


-- Michael Reichmann (mreichmann@home.com), January 16, 2002


Michael, congrats on the writeup in Shutterbug for your website. Nice test on the 600 f/4. This lens is corrected for blue, red and yellow and is the reason it fringes in violet and sometimes green. Had it been corerected for 5 colors it wouldn't fringe, even with conventional glass.

-- Steve Rasmussen (srasmuss@flash.net), January 16, 2002.


Thanks. Have you seen my write-up on using "Picture Window Pro 3.1" to fix chromatic abberation? It does a very fine job.



-- Michael Reichmann (mreichmann@rogers.com), January 17, 2002.

I want to get it on record......Mr. Reichmann does it right! I wish everybody who created or perpetuated a stupid argument on one of these forums was required to support himself with the completeness (is that a word?) and elegant simplicity he does.

Fabulous sight! Helped me with my 600 f/4 by bringing to light some handling and image issues I hadn't thought of.

-- Patrick Drennon (sierraengineering@att.net), January 18, 2002.

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