Intermitant quality problems playing : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I received a quality vcd from a friend, and although it plays and looks perfect on my pc, when I load it onto my standalone dvd player, the picture becomes pixellated every 15/30 seconds or so. Why is this? My friend says this does not happen on his player.
-- AmandaA (, January 15, 2002
Some players are trashy, some just fine. Yours probably lies nearer the former. I have a Pioneer 301K, Philips 711 (both DVD players), and an Egoman portable player whose main claim to fame is playing MP3 CDs. Although the Egoman can also play VCDs it stutters and pixelates every minute or so with ANY VCD, pressed or CD-R, that otherwise play just fine on the Philips and Pioneer.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, January 15, 2002.