Adox film : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I am trying to find Adox film. I have never used it but my father continues to tell me how great this film is. Has anyone ou there used this ? is it still availble ? is it now under a different brand ? any info would be helpful


-- Rich solomon (, January 14, 2002


Fotokemika d.d., Zagreb, Croatia Manufacturers Efke and Adox film brands. No web page or published email address. Postal address is P.O. Box 02-55, 41001 Zagreb, Croatia. Phone: +38-41-23-1833, fax +38-41-232653.

-- martin tai (, January 14, 2002.

You can buy Adox/Efke film from Freestyle photo supplies

Film Development Chart For Efke film

In the fifties, Minox sold Adox film in Minox package

-- martin tai (, January 14, 2002.

Efke/Adox film is also sold in Berlin


-- martin tai (, January 14, 2002.

I have taken some of my best small format photographs on Efke/Adox film. I particularly like the KB-50 developed in Rodinal. It has a so- called ortho-panchromatic emulsion which is more sensitive to green light than most standard black and white emulsions--it renders foliage beautifully. Times for various developers are found on my web site at

-- Ed Buffaloe (, January 15, 2002.

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