1000th Question?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Is this the 1000th Question/comment?

I've just had the first shutter curtain "uncrimp" from it's blade. The shutter is cocked and the shutter won't fire. When I get back I intend to send the camera to Sherry Krauter for curtain replacement. I don't think it's been through 400,000 cycles yet (it looks too good), so I don't know what caused this to happen.

I'm here in Russia, so I'm lucky to have an M6 as a back-up.

Has anyone else seen this happen?

-- Chris Chen (chrischen@msn.com), January 14, 2002


Yes, it is (the 1000th question). Tony, what do we have for the winner?

Re: Torn Curtain (cameras by Hitchcock?) - only one I've ever seen was on an original Canon F1.

-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), January 14, 2002.

Hello Chris,

you made it! Thatīs Nr. 1,000. Great record. Where is the Krimsekt- champagne for all of us here? Or at least for Tony.

As far as your shutter goes, it needs perhaps to be refitted, not replaced. Thatīs not too expensive, I would think.

Best wishes

-- K. G. Wolf (k.g.wolf@web.de), January 14, 2002.

Herr Wolf,

Both Krauter and Van Stelten said the M4 required a new first shutter curtain.

My question pertained to other owner's experience...and, I wanted to ask the 1000 question ;^)

-- Chris Chen (chrischen@msn.com), January 14, 2002.

Bitter cold winter in Russia Chris, that's your problem (maybe too much of the liquid potatoes comrade?)%^$

Hey if it's any consolation, I'm back on the M track after a stint with the R series (what a fiasco).

-- Dave Doyle (soilsouth@home.com), January 15, 2002.

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