Uploading Pics From My Camera...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I was using the free 30 day trial of paintshoppro 7, but the time has expired. I have been searching for something similiar, and have yet to find anything. I need uploading software that will allow me to upload "all" the pics from my camera at one time. I tried IrfanView, but it only uploads one pic at a time, and that is very frustrating to say the least! I cannot afford to purchase any software, so I am looking for free software, demo versions, that will would allow me use again and again. I hope someone can offer me suggestions and advice! I am desperate to upload "all" my pics, at one sitting!

Thank you so much! Kim firestormskye@hotmail.com

-- Kim Peplinskie (firestormskye@hotmail.com), January 11, 2002


I had paintshoppro 7 as well and it expired as well but I reset my computer back to a check point and I now have it again. To reset your comp back before that programs experation date do the following: Go to the start menu on the bottom of you computer screen,go to all programs, and then from all programs to accessories. In the accessorie menu you should find the System tools option. There in system tools option you should find SYSTEM RESTORE from there you just follow the directions and set your comp back to a previous date. AND DO NOT WORRY ALL CHANGES MADE IN SYSTEM RESTORE ARE REVERSABLE.

-- Tottaly Anonimous (Deleted326@aol.com), December 08, 2003.

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