Have serial # + Panasonic Mpeg encoder 2.51 trial version, How do I update it?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have the serial number for the Panasonic Mpeg encoder, but how do I update it so I can get the updated version. There aren't any menus here where I can do so.
-- Tore (brutallix@hotmail.com), January 11, 2002
Sorry I can't help with that one as I'm still trying to find the serial number for the outlined product. Any help you could offer in that department would be much appreciated.
-- Jester101 (gcb1974@hotmail.com), February 14, 2002.
If you go to the website you can click update on the left side. Could I by any chance get the serial number.
-- David (Acc552@aol.com), June 29, 2002.
I dont know
-- Marcelo Santos (msantos99@pmail.net), July 10, 2002.