VCD's on Panasonic A120U : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Since i bought one of the first DVD players out, i didnt think about VCD functionality at the time. Now I'm burning Simpsons episodes and I can't get the CD-R's to play on the Panasonic A12U....Now, I realize that the player is the problem and I've read a number of things that say this particular player will only play one type of CD-RW -- Memorex Platinum. I went out and bought a few and still nothing. Other people tell me theirs worked. I know i burned the VCD's properly, they work on other players. My question is whether I'm Shit out of luck, or is burning a VCD onto a CD-RW different than burning to a CD-R???

-- drew davis (, January 09, 2002


It is but your Panasonic will still not read either.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, January 10, 2002.

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