Nikon f90 , manual needed : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

pleae can anyone get me a copy of nikon f90 manual cheap or for free.Am a desparate impoverished photography student that got the camera butnot the manual for xmas and have not been able to use it much .thanks very very much holly cha

-- holly cha (, January 07, 2002


Try Micro-Tools Books & Manuals 800-359-2878. Web site shows one for $15.97 H133 'Nikon N90s/N90/F90x/F90 Revised'. Something doesn't work right with the site:

-- Edward Smith (, January 10, 2002.

Try I recently bought an F3Hp from off Ebay and it didn't come with a manual and I bought one at that site.

-- Janet Morley (, January 10, 2002.

maybe nikon has them not so expensive, so you could call 8006456689 in US to check price. it would be nice if it was available as a pdf somewhere. maybe a used dealer such as would have one for sail :) if you haven't acquired one already. at one time i owned a n90 and there is one at work - it might be easier to buy a manual than track it down and photocopoy. i don't think the manual is anywhere to be found though in this dimension, or you could probably get specific questions answered by any current or former n90 users, including self. maybe once you start using the camera, it will become easy to figure out. i know i tend to ramble, but hope this helps. my first camera was an 8008 and I had an 6006 but it didn't last, although the built-in flash was convenient at times. I shot for years with two N90 cameras which I took a lot of abuse - unintentional abuse that is. TTL flash metering on the N90 is something you will want to do - its great.

-- douglasnic (, January 12, 2002.



Manuals for many Nikons.



-- Dominic LeGros (, February 12, 2002.

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