Frameskip? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Thanks for the quick answers to my last question.

In the rules it says that the games should run at MINIMUM 90% of their full speed. Is that with no frameskipping? or is it allowed to use autoframeskipping?

I got an old PC (AMD K6-2 400).

-- Brian Thomsen (, January 05, 2002


You can have frameskip 11 if that's your desire - if it gets you over 90 % - then it's good. Careful, however, some games do NOT like frameskip adjustments... GB9

-- Gameboy9 (, January 05, 2002.

yep, it's ok but it can be a pain to play with high frameskipping, there's always the alternative to play with no sound, this speeds games up considerably to make the autoframeskipping not so skippy. also beware, as game guru said, some games require no frameskiping at all (that's frameskiping of 0) to playback and be accepted at marp, you can usually tell this in the rules of a game or the description of some of the games recordings.

-- Chad (, January 06, 2002.

Also, I believe there's an exception currently in place for Taito F3 games on lower-end systems (which will do fskip 11 at about 88% every so often), but don't quote me on this - I've been known to be wrong (repeatedly).

-- dissolute city (, January 06, 2002.

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