Where to find video cds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I was wondering where you can buy video cds in Missouri? Can you only buy them at a certain store?

-- Lisa Morgan (jes_lrm@yahoo.com), January 03, 2002


Typically you can find VCDs for sale in immigrant sections of cities. Chinese/Asian stores are good places to look. I just buy mine through the Internet and have been pleased with www.allvcds.com, www.getvcds.com and www.vcdgallery.com (vcdgallery has the slowest shipping though as they use regular mail and the others use FedEX). I have no idea as to whether or not there is any place in Missouri that sells them. Previous posts in this forum asking "Can I buy VCDs in my hometown of X?" (assuming X is in the US) have almost never gotten any kind of reply, leading me to think that it's not that easy to find stores that sell them.

-- Jason (Jason.Shuamte@equant.com), January 04, 2002.

Some other mail-order sites would be www.yesasia.com and www.fivestarlaser (also a physical location in California). VCDs of Hollywood films are available from them, if you don't mind the Hong Kong subtitles.

-- (howdy@pardner.yeehaw), January 04, 2002.

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