m4-p Lens mount

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

On my m4-p's lens mount, there's a black plastic circle at the top with the numbers "98" imprinted in it. I saw another on ebay with a "c". What do these symbols mean?

-- Hiryu (evanylee@hotmail.com), January 03, 2002


It means they've been serviced by someone other than Leica. DAG uses the stamp "92" and Sherry Krauter engraves a "K" into the waxy substance they use to seal over the 12:00 screw. I don't know who the "98" and "c" belong to. Bodies that have never been opened since they left the factory usually have an "L" stamped (not hand-scribed) in the seal, however I suspect that owners have sometimes unwittingly obliterated it while overcome with curiosity. Anyway and M4-P that's never been CLA'd is probably overdue.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), January 03, 2002.

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