capture a still image from a mpeg1 file?? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
hello! what i would like to do is capture a still image from a mpeg-1 file. my goal here is to incorporate the image into a title sequence at the beginning of my home movies vcd's. i have been able to splice several home movies together and add a title shot at the beginning with simple text indicating what's to be found on the vcd (i've done this by creating a bitmap). i think it would be really cool to be able to add this image to the titling. can anyone tell me how best to do this or does anyone have a better suggestion?? thanks.
-- korey klause (, January 03, 2002
try using virtualdub. It will extract the image(s) for you into 24bit BMP format. Other software that can accomplish the same thing would be vcd cutter or ifilmEdit. VirtualDub is free.
-- (, January 03, 2002.
HyperSnapDX can also do this I think, but you have to buy a license to remove the annoying logo from what it saves. VirutalDub is a good idea if you don't want to pay for something. I have found HyperSnapDX quite useful to manipulate images of various types, convert to different formats, and shrink or expand pieces of pictures.
-- Jason (, January 04, 2002.