fun game on the road : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Heres a great game to play while driving some where, to keep everyone "ON THEIR TOES". You pick a letter, yes any letter. And you start a conversation with someone. Lets say the letter is N. So the person starts. Nobody plays better basketball than you" and the other person replies with a word starting with the next letter. "OH! you always say that!" Another one, is to have a conversation completely in questions, it can never be statement. This one is usually done with two people, but the first is done with more. WE did this our whole drive back today. Thank you Lord for safe driving.

-- jillian (, January 02, 2002


My kids converse in questions all the time! Like I say clean up your room and they say Why? I say pick up those dirty clothes and they say Where??

Ha, ha! It does sound like a lot of fun Jillian, glad you had a safe trip.

-- Melissa (, January 02, 2002.

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