PBC on Toshiba 4700greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I (thought I) made a Video CD on my computer, using the Roxio software. In fact it plays fine on one of my DVD players (a Philips/Magnavox). But it's not playing on my newest, and most expensive, unit.When I put the VCD into my Toshiba 4700 and press Play, the display shows "PBC" for a few seconds, then the drive spins down. Nothing. I checked in the Setup for the player and it has an option to turn PBC on or off. I've changed it to Off but the results are the same.
Any ideas about what I can do? I've been to the Toshiba site but can't find anyplace to ask questions like this.
-- Mike Kaiser (mike@ourmaineisland.com), January 01, 2002
Mike, More than likely, your Toshiba 4700 can't handle the CDR disk. Go to www.vcdhelp.com and click on the link to the left for DVD players. You can see if your player is listed and what capabilities the player has.bob please don't try and email me, I have provided a false email because I don't want to end up on spam address lists, sorry.
-- Bob H. (bob@nospam.com), January 01, 2002.
Thanks for the thought, Bob, but the 4700 does play CD-R (and CD-RW) media. That was an important consideration for me when I was shopping. Any additional thoughts?
-- Mike Kaiser (mike@ourmaineisland.com), January 01, 2002.
Mike, I burned my first VCD with Roxio to run on my new Toshiba DVD player (SD-2715). I put the CD in the player, it displayed the PBC and then the video I had burned showed up on my TV, however, it was jerky and the audio was the same.I was very disappointed and since I was able to play the VCD on my computer, I thought something must be misconfig'd on the DVD player. I pulled out the docs for the DVD and found nothing to configure that might cause this problem. So I referenced VCDHelp.com and they suggested using another burning software as the first step to try when problems arise.
I grabbed VCDImagerGUI through VCDHelp.com which will create a binary image of your mpg on your hard drive, ready to burn to a CD. You then use Roxio (not the VCD program, just the regular CD burning software) to burn the binary image to the CD. This worked!! The VCD worked great!
I also tried using Nero to create the VCD and this worked as well. However, since the VCDImagerGUI is free, you might want to start there and see if that does anything for you.
VCDHelp.com has examples of how to do what I suggest above, and if you need assistance, have a look there.
HTH, Scott
-- Scott Chapman (threedingos@hotmail.com), January 02, 2002.
These are fine examples of rude introductions to Roxio Easy CD Creator. Is this probably why Nero is being bundled more and more with CD-R/RW drives these days??
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), January 02, 2002.
Hey don't know if you have read any of my previous questions but i get the same problemo with the PBC then the spin down my DVD player is a Sanyo 7201 can play all audio cds different makes recorded with different software & speeds but the VCD always show PBC...Just wondered if Mike managed to get round this problem?
-- MrXer (MrXer@hotmail.com), January 04, 2002.