: LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Have anyone purchase from SimplyVCD before? If so how is their delivery time and their customer service? I nearly bought from them but i am sceptical about them. They claim to sell only original VCDs and free shipping as well.
-- Ken James King (, January 01, 2002
Who actually makes "Original VCDs" anyhow. Surely, with the advent of DVDs, they're manufacturing sell-by date has expired, or is at least very scarce. If I were you, I'd be extremely wary of people claiming to sell "Original VCDs"I produce VCDs, and I regard them to be of commercial quality (i.e. a better picture than VHS, menu's, special features etc). I could turn around and call them "Original VCDs" if I spent the time and money to package them properly; nobody would know the difference. But I don't.
The point is, it's easy for these websites to claim to sell originals with a bit of fancy packaging. Fact is, they're almost definitely not.
Dean Phillips SIM Solutions
-- Dean (, January 31, 2003.