New Year's wishes : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

What are you hoping for in 2002?

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001


In 2002, I am hoping for Mike to update.

(You know you walked right into that, don't you?)

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

Do you not read the notifies? Damn!

And on that note, I wish AB and the Chao clan would come to DC. Also, I wish for a seven-figure salary and a new car. And peace on Earth.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

In 2002, I am hoping for Mike to update.

And Kristin and the Hannahs and T and Al.

In 2002, I am hoping that things start looking up and that 2002 doesn't suck ass like 2001 did. I could really do with a Happy New Year! Please, please let it be a Happy one!!

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

For 2002, I'm hoping that I can manage school and work, because I'm finally making the plunge and going back to school. I also hope that I get the job that I interviewed for right before the holidays, because that would make the work/school thing just that much easier.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

I'd like it if 2002 was a better year for New York City. And that the Terrapins win not only the Orange Bowl, but return to the Final Four.

And it wouldn't suck if JournalCon was in Austin, too (how's that for kissing the ass of the whole forum?).

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

I'm hoping for a fridge full of booze...

Oh, wait. I have that. I'd better get busy.

Happy new year, everyone. I don't know about you, but I'm all set with 2001...

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

I'm hoping for the answers to come falling from the sky and float down, coming to rest perfectly on my head.

Yes, all the answers, beeatch.

And I would definitely stop crying if Stee updated.

And this bullshit fever/flu/neckpain went away. That'd be delightful.

Have a good new year, all.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

...And that the Terrapins win not only the Orange Bowl, but return to the Final Four. that's what I like to hear!

-- Anonymous, January 01, 2002

Jeez. Maybe I should have said "I hope I learn how to type."

-- Anonymous, January 01, 2002

In order:

That my editor insists on my going to Atlanta, because he desperately needs a good and sane correspondent there.

That The Smoker gets a good new job with people that respect him.

That I finish. the damn. book.

That Slovenia takes the 2002 World Cup by storm.

That India and Pakistan do not end up in nuclear war.

That my mother continue the recent trend of being able to say The Smoker's name without flinching.

That my best friend accumulates years' worth of good karma for giving me The Cinema of Tsui Hark for my birthday.

That my parents get new and healthy dogs.

That I have no trouble paying bills.

That I do not pull a brain fart like I did earlier this week and finally get to meet some of the cool people on this board.

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2002

WG, tell me you are Slovenian and make me love you a thousand times more.

You were missed, and next time your butt will be there if I have to send a special Marta bus to your house. Ew.

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2002

I know 2002 will be full of big things and change. I just hope for happiness all around. A big order, but it's about time, right?

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2002

Let's see. I wish for a more balanced year, where I listen to myself more, say "no" to the things I don't really want to do, make room for the things I wish I had time to do, and get to know myself better.

Now that's a tall order.

Oh, I also wish for a million bucks to fall from the sky. How's that?

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2002

Only a million? You'd only get to keep about half that, after taxes, you know.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2002

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