WTB Mint Leica M3 Late model

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Looking for a collectable Leica M3, Sn over 1 million. Mint to near mint with L seal intact. John

-- John Abela (jamriman@yahoo.com), December 28, 2001


I have one I've had since '72. It has had black photo tape on it since I've had it and I shot a roll thru it Sunday. Probably wouldn't call it mint and probably wouldn't sell it. I saw this one on ebay that looks pretty nice but really you can get a new hi mag M6 TTL for 1800 plus or minus and it is about 40 years newer. Saw this one on ebay that looks pretty clean. >>>



good luck!

-- Don (wgpinc@yahoo.com), December 28, 2001.


I have just what you are looking for. Sell it; never. I have been working with this poor kid who shows great promise. He could never afford it. I am giving it to him. These things weren't made to be collected; they were made to be used.


-- Art (AKarr90975@aol.com), December 28, 2001.

Good ol' John sent me a nasty email. Ok, by me. I still stand by my philosophy. These things were made to be used; not to be collected.


-- Art (AKarr90975@aol.com), December 28, 2001.

John did re-email me indicating that he didn't mean to be offensive. I would have posted this earlier but the server went down. It is an example of civility that permeates this board.


-- Art (AKarr90975@aol.com), December 28, 2001.

Hi, John - Art:

Great to ear that difficulties were solved !

Happy New Year !


-- Iván Barrientos M (ingenieria@simltda.tie.cl), December 28, 2001.

Leica photography can be enjoyed in many levels, among them sitting next to the fireplace with a good cognac stroking a mint M3. I don't think it's anybody's business what others do their cameras. There is no need to feel smug about it otherwise. I encounter a lot of Leica users with more equipment then they need just because they must have the latest or possess some mythical light sucking device but on a practical level these acquisitions rarely see the light of day. I guess I am one of those people who has a lot less talent then my equipment would suggest. But I like it so there!

-- ray tai (razerx@netvigator.com), December 29, 2001.

Nasty? You be the judge: Thats fine your entitled to your opinion. Cameras can be considered works of art. Art in my opinion should be collected, besides I own a M6 to use. Regards, John

-- John Abela (jamriman@yahoo.com), December 29, 2001.

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