Oritron DVD100 external speakersgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I've just got an Oritron DVD100 and have tried without success to attach external speakers to the Stereo Audio connectors on the back. Actually I succeeded in attaching them, problem is no sound comes out. Also the volume has to be turned right up on the television when playing a DVD but when playing an audio cd its normal Can anyone please offer any advice???
-- Mike Mingay (mike.mingay@ntlworld.com), December 28, 2001
Speakers are NOT supposed to be attached to those jacks because they are intended for line-level purposes. They are supposed to be connected to your amplifier AUX or CD inputs. What? Yes, you NEED an amplifier. THEN you connect your speakers to your amplifier speaker outputs.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), December 29, 2001.